Ohio County Republicans had a booth, in the shade, at Dundee Days. Everyone was there including the Democrats, in a different booth.
The Dundee Goat even made it.
July 12th to July 17th - Daviess County Lions Club Fair.
It was HOT, HOT, HOT at the Daviess County Fair. I met lots of voters at the Republican Booth but mostly people were just trying to get were they had to be - either in a seat to watch or back to their car for the air conditioning.
July 10th - Fundraiser and Rally for David Johnston, Candidate for Ohio County Judge Executive.
Had a great time talking to Ohio County voters, listening to Gospel Music from 3:16, and participating in the fund raising auction for David.
Can't say anything more than was said at the rally - David is a honest hard working man. He plans on working with the Industrial Foundation, Chamber, and the cities of Ohio County to revive industrial recruitment, create jobs by making Ohio County more friendly to existing and new businesses, and continue to improve roads through out the county.
Contact David on facebook for more on what David wants to do for Ohio County.
Gospel Music Group 3:16
June 26th - 3rd Annual Green River Catfish Festival Parade.
I had a great time riding with the Bowling Green/SOKY Tea Party in the Catfish Festival Parade.
June 12th - Kentucky Republican Leadership Conference.
I met lots of Republican candidates at the Kentucky Republican Leadership Conference, Louisville, KY. Many, like myself, are running for the first time because they are worried about the direction of the county and the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The briefing on polling confirmed this. A large majority in Kentucky believe we are heading in the wrong direction regarding spending and that Kentucky needs to tighten its budget. I also found that Kentucky supports Arizona on passing it's illegal immigration laws.
One last note, State Senator David Williams, President of the Kentucky Senate, gave a great luncheon speech, touching on the US Constitution and the Kentucky budget.
June 17th - United FreedomMakers Daviess County Kentucky Public Meeting.
The FreedomMakers had their 1st successful monthly public meeting. Wesley and Mary Jo Leake came from Bowling Green/SOKY Tea Party to discuss what they are doing to get out the Tea Party message of the Constitution and fiscal responsibility. You can contact Wesley and Mary Jo Leake at 270-780-0387 or through the Bowling Green/SOKY Tea Party web site.
Myself, Mary Jo and Wesley Leake
The FreedomMakers will have a monthly public meeting every 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Owensboro Museum of Science & History from 6:30PM to 8:00PM. The public meetings are to share information and organize to push for a Freedom Agenda in Owensboro, in Kentucky, and in America.
June 8th - Owensboro Republican Women Club
This month the Owensboro Republican Women Club invited Joe Bowen, candidate for State Senate, to discuss the issues. My question to him was, What can I tell the Owensboro FreedomMakers about your campaign that will get them excited about your candidacy and get them to tell their neighbors and friends why they should vote for Joe Bowen. Joe's answer was that he wanted to bring fiscal responsibility to the Commonwealth. That the government shouldn't be spending more than it has, mortgaging our childrens' future. He also stated that he is concerned about our current government overreaching beyond the US Constitution.
June 3rd - Ohio County Republican's Monthly Meeting
The Ohio County Republican's Monthly Meeting was held at the Ohio County Community Center in Hartford. I spoke briefly about why I am running and what they can say to their neighbors and friends in Ohio County to vote for me.
Here is a part of what I said:
Tommy Thompson, my Democrat opponent, is a good guy, a lot of people would even say he's conservative. However, Tommy is in the wrong party. On too many votes he sides with his liberal Democrat friends to mortgage Kentucky's future. Thankfully we had the State Senate Republicans to stop the borrowing and spending this year. However, without getting the budget under control and putting a stop to all the borrowing we can't cut taxes to help business grow and create jobs for Ohio County.
Lastly, I'm sure everyone is worried about what is going on in Washington. The debt they are piling on our children, the push for even bigger government, and the progressives trying to take more control over our lives. I know you can't fault Tommy for what's happening in Washington, but you can fault him for not standing up to Washington through our Kentucky Legislature. Having states challenge the federal government is one of the important checks and balances of our government. Tommy is helping the Democrat Party stop important legislation which would challenge the federal government on it's takeover of Health Care, over Kentucky's use of coal, and over gun rights.
So, tell your friends and neighbors why I'm running. Help me spread the message of why I should be elected as Ohio County State Representative.
May 29th, May 31st - Memorial Day Weekend, Beaver Dam Strawberry Festival.
The Beaver Dam Strawberry Festival reminded me of the Newburgh Fall Festival I attended as a kid.
But, it was a much bigger event. For the most part I greeted people at the Republican Booth. I met a number of Ohio County Republicans - too many for me to remember all of their names.
Next to the Republican Booth, Josh Wright and his wife Amanda had their booth. Josh is running for Ohio County Clerk. He is certainly a great candidate and seemed to know everyone at the festival. The first photo is of Josh Wright and myself. The second is of the Strawberry Festival Parade.
May 22nd - Owensboro Coffee Party at Creme Coffee House.
I met with the Owensboro Coffee Party. I can say all the Coffee Party attendees where civil and we all enjoyed a good conversation over coffee. We discussed a number of political issues and also the organization of the local FreedomMakers/Tea Party in Owensboro. I told them what the FreedomMakers have been doing and what the FreedomMakers are planning. We also discussed how the Coffee Party is organized. What struck me the most was how well organized the Coffee Party is from the National level to the Local level. At the local level the Coffee Party is grassroots and are concerned citizens wanting to make a difference just like the FreedomMakers.
The Coffee Party is planning on meeting every two weeks to discuss issues and is planning on inviting politicians and community leaders to come talk to them. You can follow them on Facebook to find when they will meet next.
May 21st - Attended the Tea Party of Kentucky leaders Meeting in Louisville, KY.
The meeting was very informative. There were a number of groups from both Kentucky and Indiana. We discussed the election results and Mike Sandefur gave his presentation of what the Indiana FreedomMakers are doing.
May 11th - United FreedomMakers Daviess County Kentucky Town Hall, Deloris's Cafe.
Carol Mesa, Ben Boarman, Tom Morton, Rodger Connor and I answered questions from the public on a number of issues. Everything from the Daviess County Planning and Zoning Commission, Gambling in Kentucky, Pro-Life, Immigration, to NFTA.
I believe each county should decide if gambling is appropriate for its citizens and I oppose gambling in Daviess and Ohio Counties. Also, if gambling is approved by a county, it should be heavily taxed to offset the ill effects.
Jim Howard, Town Hall Leader, made a great comment, "It doesn't matter were the money comes from if you give it to the politicians they will spend it." Gambling isn't the cure for government - cutting spending is.
Carol Meza also had a great comment about gambling and public virtue. "Part of today's problem is there is not enough public virtue, self sacrifice and self independence--the legalization of gambling undermines public virtue."
I support an Arizona-type immigration bill for Kentucky--except for the provision that allows the public to sue law enforcement officers if they fail to enforce the law. Kentucky's Law Enforcement Officers do not need any additional burdens added to their responsibilities.
I support NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement). I believe Kentucky needs both jobs from trade and from manufacturing. Kentucky's farmers need to sell their goods to other countries. The problem of companies shipping jobs overseas can best be addressed by Kentucky providing a welcoming business environment with less regulation and low taxes. This will attract and keep manufacturing in Kentucky.
May 8th - Owensboro’s International Bar-B-Q Festival Political Forum.
Had a good time giving my speech at the Political Forum. I posted some of my speech below.
The points I tried to make were:
1. Tommy Thompson has been in office for 8 years. It's time to send him home before he gets too comfortable in Frankfort.
2. I am running for office to give the district a choice of candidates. A choice between a Democrat and a Conservative Republican.
3. I am running for office to protect Kentucky's Civil Rights under the 10th amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
From my speech:
From the 10th Amendment: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
This is a civil right granted to Kentucky in the Constitution. It is also one of the Amendments included in the Bill of Rights and was voted on and passed by the first session of the US Congress.
If Kentucky's right to govern itself isn't a civil right, it can be ignored by our elected officials thus weakening not only this part of the Constitution, but the Constitution as a whole.
I think the Kentucky House needs to do more to challenge the federal government.
--It should pass Representative Stan Lee's House Resolution 10, affirming the 10th amendment of the constitution.
--It should pass a resolution affirming our right not to be forced into federal government health care.
--It should pass laws challenging the federal government. Laws like Senator Brandon Smith's Kentucky 21st Century Bill of Rights, to stop tax payer funded abortion, to stop confiscation of firearms from law-abiding citizens, and to allow the posting of the ten commandments in public buildings.
Kentucky's civil rights are being taken away by the federal government and Kentucky needs to stand up for it's rights and the rights of it's citizens.
If you elected me your State Representative my first job will be to take on the federal government for the Commonwealth of Kentucky and it's citizens.
May 3rd - Daviess County Republican Lincoln Day Dinner.
I had a great time talking to people and meeting Gurley Martin.
April 16th - Whitesville Lion's Club Chili Supper & Pie Auction, Whitesville Senior Citizens Center.
Now this was a great event! I would suggest to everyone to go next year. I believe there were more politicians there than actual voters. So if you ever wanted one event to talk to both Republican, Democratic and Independent elected officials and candidates this is the event to go to.
April 10th - Hartford Tea Party Rally, 12 noon, in front of the Hartford Courthouse.
Spoke at the Hartford Tea Party Rally and met a number of Ohio county residence. However many residence were attending the Owensboro Tea Party Rally scheduled at the same time. But Thanks to Jeff McKeown of Integrity Leather & More for organizing the event. You can contact Jeff thought the Ohio County Tea Party web site. He is planning on holding a meeting soon to start organizing to keep a watch on Ohio County officials.
In Jeff's own words:
United States Citizens of Ohio County Kentucky concerned and involved with bringing integrity, honesty, and accountability back to our City, County, State and National Governments. We call on our leaders of those governments to restructure and reduce the unmerited tax burdens that have been levied upon us, and to create a more fair, favorable and equitable tax system.March 27th - Owensboro Gun, Knife and Military Show, Owensboro Sportscenter
I worked at the United FreedomMakers Daviess County Kentucky (TEA Party) booth by the door. Met a lot of people wanting to help and wanting to attend the TEA Party Rally on April 10th, 12 Noon, Owensboro City Hall. Also for those that want to get more involved you can attend the April 1st Volunteer and Sign Painting Meeting, 6:00 PM, at Deloris's Cafe, 2123 Triplett St, Owensboro, KY.
March 9th - Owensboro Republican Women Club, Campbell Club.
I met Kelly Paul, Rand Paul's better half. She gave a talk on her husbands positions.
February 6th - Tea Party at Deloris's Cafe.
Mike Sandefur from the United FreedomMakers gave an excellent talk on what the FreedomMakers are doing in Indiana.
Thanks Phil, Ghost Images Photography, for taking pictures of the Tea Party Meeting. You can view more images on his web site.