Friday, January 22, 2010



Do you believe in limited government?
Do you believe Roe Vs Wade was wrongly decided?
Do you believe the Federal Health Insurance Mandate is unconstitutional?
Do you believe in a strict interpretation of the U.S. Constitution?
Do you believe that elected leaders should do more to follow the U.S. Constitution?

Kentucky elected leaders should do more to check the growing power of the Federal Government.

Kentucky can provide a check to Federal power by passing laws that challenge the Federal Government and defend those laws to the Supreme Court.


Do you believe Kentucky should live within it's budget?
Do you believe Kentucky should not pass on debt to our children?
Do you believe Kentucky should provide a fair tax system for all?

Kentucky should pay it's bills and manage tax payer money wisely.

Kentucky can balance its budget and stand for fiscal responsibility with a fair tax system.


Do you believe in creating jobs though private business?
Do you believe in reducing government's burden on private business?
Do you believe in providing a stable business environment?

Kentucky should depend on the private sector for jobs not the government.

Kentucky can create an environment were business can grow and create private sector jobs to provide opportunity.

Constitutional Agenda being stopped in the Kentucky Legislature.

Stan Lee's House Concurrent Resolution 10 (HCR10) - declare state sovereignty over powers not given to the federal government by the U. S. Constitution; demand the federal government to cease mandates beyond constitutionally delegated powers; prohibit federal legislation requiring state passage of laws under threat of penalties or sanctions.

Senator Brandon Smith's Senate Bill 3, Kentucky 21st Century Bill of Rights - create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky, adopting a 21st Century Bill of Rights; claim sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States; establish that no law or rule shall compel certain persons to participate in health care systems, provide abortion services, surrender their firearms, or prevent the severing of coal, or the posting of the Ten Commandments, or actions motivated by a sincerely held religious belief; establish that governmental agencies should promote the use of Kentucky coal and make public information available on the Internet, and that the General Assembly provide a reasonable period of time for public review and comment on any appropriation or revenue measure.

Constitutional Agenda other States have passed - Kentucky needs to do the same.

Missouri Health Care Freedom, Proposition C - block the federal government from requiring people to buy health insurance and banned punishment for those without health insurance.

Montana's House Bill 246 - exempts from federal regulations any gun, gun accessory or ammunition made in the state.

Nebraska Abortion Pain Prevention Act (L.B. 1103) - bans abortions beyond 20 weeks to challenge of Roe v. Wade.